Friday, November 6, 2015

Psalm 73:2

November 05, 2015

Psalm 73:2... But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I nearly lost my foothold...

Correct understanding of this psalm is crucial. It begins by stating how God is for the pure in heart. He is good to them. Then we here a cry from the author, Asaph, that he almost slipped in his understanding of things when he considered the worth of following God. Does it make any sense to live a holy life he thought to himself. He saw the wicked succeeding and having all the fun. Pleasure was theirs, and he was caught in a miserable life serving God. (I took liberty in paraphrasing in my own words). But then he went to the sanctuary, he was David's leader of worship and music. There in the sanctuary he remembered the downfall that comes those who are wicked and said NO! I will not walk in their footsteps. I will remain faithful.

For many years now the church has been saying... We must be like them to win them, speaking of the sinful. Yet what they really meant was, I want to be like them,. They seem to have all the fun. This accelerated in my generation and is now running full speed ahead. There is very little difference between the world and today's "christian". If you attend a "club" you couldn't pick the christian out. He talks like them, drinks like them, and dances like them. But the sad part is, what are they doing there in the first place!

At our church's conference in 2000 all this became so clear to me. There the leaders of the church sanctioned worldly living. What is that you ask? Where we live like the world in action. Before that time it was known to exist in many attendees of the church, but that type of living was never sanctioned by the church leadership. Now it was given the go ahead. Soon "studies" were done and with in two years dancing was made "legal" in churches and at colleges. We were now free to be like them in music and dance and drinking. Nearly any old vice was considered defunct and fine for the church people to do and even in a church setting.

I cried and cried at that conference. What was happening. It set me in a tail spin I had to ground my faith or I would be pressured to go the same way. I resigned my 4 leadership position. I was rejected and even ask at one point why  I "stay here". why don't you leave.

But God was faithful. He gave me strength and hope for the future. In the wee hours of the mornings for five years he met me in my corner. Those remain the most special times of my life! During this time Anita Brechbill became a close friend. I desired to be close to God and he came many times in ways I can't express, precious ways that filled me with over-abundant joy. So much so I told God I couldn't take any more. (Looking back, that was dumb)

What I learned during that time was the need to remain faithful no matter what those around me were doing. If they choose to pollute the scriptures, I will remain true. I learned to worship despite who was preaching or teaching. God still used them for his purposes in my life. I did like Asaph did... I determined to follow him even if others seemed to have more fun or succeed. I said like Joshua... "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." (Josh 24:15)

Daughters, I love you both. You have different background and hope and dreams. But I pray and plead with God that you both will determine in your hearts to say... As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord! A, you haven't chosen a husband, not even a boyfriend. so you must choose wisely. Make wise choices before you "fall in love" because that "fall" has hurt many and their lives have been ruined. It has led many from the Way. K, you have chosen, and it crucial that you determine that R will set his life with the Lord or your "fall" will end up hurting you. Since you have only been a daughter in your older years, my ways may seem silly to you at times, but trust me as you did two years ago. Trust the wisdom of Anita. Stay separate from the worldly church and seek to be holy. I love you both. Make me a grateful Dad in the years to come, keep you feet from falling and know that serving God is worth it.


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