Sunday, November 22, 2015

Psalm 90:12

November 22, 2015

Psalm 90:12...Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom...

There are many authors in Psalms. Most think David wrote all of them, Some know that there are a number of different ones but few know that Moses wrote one, maybe two. This Psalm was written by him as a prayer to God, Moses had many rough days and struggled with a people who kept reaching back. They had left Egypt, but Egypt never left their hearts. God was very angry with them for being so stubborn and refusing to trust him. Moses was caught in the middle many times. Here he is calling out to God and pleads for his patients and help with the people he is trying to lead. If only the people of Israel would learn wisdom, they would surely turn to him.

I wonder what God thinks of us. Moses was an intermediary between Israel and God. Although we can talk directly to God, Jesus is our mediator. He pleads for us when we are obstinate, when we are to blind to see our own sin. We need to seek wisdom to lead us out of our foolishness. A good point of the service today at church took us to 1 Cor 10:11. This verse shows us that the things that happened to the people of Israel are to be examples to us. If we follow their ways we will fall out of God's favor and will be destroyed like they were. (vs 10) But he gives us a way out. (vs 13) He won't give us more that we can handle.

Daughters, I didn't talk about the first part of this verse yet. Here is my exegesis... when you number your days you will consider all facets of your life. Like doing an audit, you will find any inconsistencies that exist and the wisdom you gain will cause you to clan up your life, like a reconciling of a check book. You can;t afford to have any mistakes when it comes to the only book that counts, The Book of Life. So A and K, look at your life and consider what you do. The wisdom you gain will keep your name from being blotted out. (Ex 32:32 & 33, Ps 69:28, Rev 3:5 - good verse talking about being blotted out of the Book of Life). One last thing... if you think you are standing tall and you have no sin or improper actions that lead to sin... take heed lest you fall! (1 Cor 10:12) Girls, be one who is always considering the results of what you do, especially  things the world does. when you do you will become wise and solidify your spot in the book.


Song: Find Us Faithful

I could not find this song on You Tube... The Role of the Faithful.. Here is a link to the words...  I'll sing it for you sometime K. You know it A

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