Sunday, November 15, 2015

Psalm 83:18

November 15, 2015

Psalm 83:18... Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD, -- That you alone are the Most High over all the earth...

King of Kings and Lord of Lords, that is how God is described. It is evident that God is the supreme being that control all. And, he will reign forever and ever for his rule will not ever be thwarted. (1 Tim. 6:14 & 15, Rev. 19:16 & Job 42:2)

Turning to the one who is in control to carry out your plans of life is key to prevent senility. Living life may appears at time to be futile. We work to keep all our ducks in a row and not only does something come buy to shoot one of our ducks they shoot inline with the row killing many of our ducks. As life falls apart we wonder where God is in all of this. By the time we get to chapter 42 of Job, he realizes that life is truly out of our control. He knew that bad things happen to bad people because of their disobedience to God but he never knew that good people had to suffer while being righteous. It made no sense to him. But when he found this to be true he declared in verse 3 of chapter 42, that he was too finite to conceive what God was doing and that he would trust him to take him through the unfair parts of life for no one can thwart Go's purposes.

K and A, When life gets you down because you don't know which way to turn next, Turn To God. He will reveal himself to you and send his Spirit to comfort you and give you peace (Jn 14:26). Then as you are obedient to him and trust him for what lay ahead, he will show you that when all things seem impossible there is hope for with him all things are possible. (Mt 19:26). Trust him daughters. He will bring you through.


Song, All Things are Possible

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