Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Psalm 72:12

November 04, 2015

Psalm 72:12... For he will deliver the needy who will cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help...

Here in chapter 72, Solomon is the writer. He is asking for wisdom and declaring his greatness. He expresses how others will come and bless him with riches (1 Kings 10:2). Many others did this as well. they marveled at his great wisdom that God had given him. His desire to judge in wisdom with concern for the downtrodden and helpless is a attribute worth emulating.

In this verse, we see the appropriate application of riches; to be a blessing to others. It is not for our own personal gain or social status. No, it is to aid others and protect the afflicted and to have pity on the needy and to provide them help. Solomon wanted to be a leader who had a heart like God. He want to have a worthy religion (remember... religion is not a bad word as declared by most of today's church, it is a worthy and biblical following of God) as described by both Paul and Peter and James. It is God's heart!

A and K, I pray that you have the heart of God. I pray that you will desire to use your money wisely, that you use it to be a blessing to the poor and needy, and that you seek out the oppressed and use your money to administer them justice. I pray that this character Solomon yearned for will be yours as well. Tithing is the beginning of your proper use of money. Are you tithing, giving back to God a tenth of all he gives to you. Remember he lets you keep 90% of it for yourself. And of that 90%, do you use it on yourself or do you use it as a blessing. Not just to your friends and family but to the poor and needy God brings in your path. Honor God with the first of all your you get (Prov 3:9) and the give to those in need (Mt 5:42) and you will receive in return "pressed down and shaken together" (Lk 6:38). And who wouldn't want that!


PS. Later in his life, Solomon sought after the flesh and became a wicked person. Be careful not to follow that example, it destroyed the nation. It will destroy you too. That's today's worldly church, carnal minded, "what's so wrong with feeling good. You just don't want me to have fun. Careful you don't get trapped daughters! It is so easy.

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