Friday, November 6, 2015

Psalm 74:16

November 06, 2015

Psalm 74:16... The day is yours, yours also the night; you established the sun and the moon...

God created the heavens and the earth (Ge 1:1) He made all thing and set all things in motion. He is the owner of all creatures; he is the owner of us. God also has everything under his control. Nothing happens that he has not foreseen (Ps 139). The day is his!

Some might say, if God sees all this then why do we have to suffer? Why don't just the wicked suffer and the good people flourish. In general good people flourish and the wicked suffer. We can read this in proverbs over and over again. We also see it through out Scripture in the history of Israel. When the forgot about God he allowed the enemy to overtake them. When they sought him they found him and they broke the chains of slavery and rose to new heights again. (Many good examples in Judges and also in the books of the kings.) But Satan is in charge of the earth with limited power and so sin yet rules on earth.

A and K, God owns the day and the night! You can feel confident that he will be with you to see you through. Stay focused on serving him in holiness and righteousness and you will be reassured as you see him work in your life. As you get older it is easy to look back and see how he has worked in your life. For now, speak to spiritual followers and they can show you how God has helped them over the years. As Grandpa has said many times... be faithful in what you already know to do and let God lead you to your next phase of your life. If he takes care of creation and owns it all. As his child, he will provide for all you need in strength and wisdom and spiritual stamina.


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