Saturday, November 7, 2015

Psalm 75:1

November 07, 2015

Psalm 75:1... We give thanks, O God, we give thanks, for your name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds...

Gives thanks to the Lord and tell of his wonderful deeds (Ps 9:1) God is the supplier of all that is. From him our strength comes. He owns all and gives all. "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord," were the words of Job in Job 1:21. Job knew that the Lord was in control. Satan could not do his work without approval from the Lord. (Job 1:12)

Some nay-sayer of the gospel would say they would never serve such a cruel God, but, as Job found out, it is God's choice to bless. Also, there are plenty of other scriptures talking of God's wondrous acts, like today's verse so that is a topic for another day. When focusing the truth of this verse, we realize that there is no other God like the one we serve (some on wrote a song about that). In fact there is truly only one God. All the others are false! The one we serve has done miraculous things. All the nations in Israels day remembered the parting of the sea. They remembered the plagues of Egypt. And then there's his son Jesus. We still talk of his marvelous acts of kindness.

Young ladies, a few things I want you to think about.

First, Do you recognize the vast amount of things God has done for you? There are incredible amount of little things. Think mostly how he has chosen you to find salvation and how he keeps you from sinning. Oh there are things that yo have done I know nothing about, but still you can see how he has kept you from going off the deep end... and remember not because of who you are but because Christ his son made you one of his children!

Second, Do you thank him for his greatness and provisions for your health and strength. God is so generous. Many think they work for there money and status and never give back to God more than what he requires and most times not even as much as he requires. I am a witness to how quickly all can be taken away. Through my cancer scare and loss of job, It is easy to realize that truly I have so little control over my circumstances. (that's no excuse for being disobedient - what we do does make a difference (1 Jn 2:3)). like the verse says, be will to tell of his "wonderful deeds"?

Third, Do you trust God to know what he is doing/ Do not think you wont have troubles in this life. They come to everyone, good and bad alike. The difference is that we have someone that stands with us to make us strong. We can make it through each and every circumstance. God knew that Satan couldn't make Job turn away from trusting him. He knows what you can handle as well. Remember... "you can do all the things he has for you to do because he strengthens you! (Ph 4:13).

And fourth, Do you live like Christ who did wonderful things for others. I am attaching a link to a song. It reminds me of you K... I want you to work hard and to do well so you can excel at being the hands and feet of Jesus himself. That is what you are called for. When we serve others for Jesus there is such joy. I am trying to figure out ow to do that all over again. And some night (like last night) the people I work with make it so difficult. So, I separated myself from them for a bit and went and found others to be a blessing and the night ended up much better. A, God will make you a blessing too. Seek to find his place for you. I'm praying for the both of you each day. It is exciting to think of how God will use you both!


The Song, Praise the name of Jesus

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