Friday, November 20, 2015

Psalm 88:13

November 20, 2015

Psalm 88:13... But I cry to you for help, O Lord; In the morning my prayer comes before you...

Jesus often went to a solitary place to pray. A few of those times it is recorded that he prayed all night long. (Lk 6:9), Other times he got up early and prayed. (Mk 1:35) Prayer was key part of the instructions of the apostles. In Colossians 4:2, Paul tells us to devote ourselves to prayer. He tells us to pray continually (1 Th 5:17) giving thanks in all things. James says to pray for one another. (Js 5:16) And, David in the psalms speaks much about praying to God through out the Psalms.

In this psalm the writer never finds resolve. We find it plenty of times in other scripture but here Heman never find the answers he is searching for... but he continues to pray! Selah (think about it) ......................... It is easy to give up when it seems like no one understands. When times get tough, the tough turn to God. It would be wrong to turn away then, but many do. THey figure God is absent because they have no answer to their prayer. But look what Heman did... he continues to petition God and doesn't give up. Is he still sad and get see the way out from his problems? Yes, but he doesn't quit. He knows that it is only God who can bring relief from his dilemma, so he continues knowing God will in his time answer.

A and K, do you have any issues where you are finding no resolve. Turn to God not the world. He will take care of your situation, and quickly. That means when it is the right time it will be done with no delay. Wait for him... you may need to grow some before he acts. Seek his face and never give up praying... pray without ceasing. Be persistent like the widow asking for justice (Lk 18:1-8), and believe in your heart that God will do what he says - have faith in him. If you are faithful and obedient to him you will find the answer you are looking for and you will find the abundant joy he promises, (Jn 10:14b), the peace that surpasses all understanding. (Ph 4:7)


Song: The Lord's Prayer

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