Sunday, November 1, 2015

Just some thoughts on living

November 01. 2015

Hello daughters, I hope you are having a wonderful Lord's Day. Honor him by honoring the day he created.

I should have just written one verse yesterday, but when A told me I had forgotten Chapter 67, I wrote another and passed the, both along... today then I'll just give some comments.

The message in all the verses I have written seem to focus on living holy lives in a sinful world. You may think that is a a mindset driven inside of me coming out in my writings. That possibility exists, but I work to write what God desires and not my own agenda. It takes over a half an hour to write these posts each day, mostly because of finding references for the verses to back up what is said.

Living holy in a sinful world is a major theme of both the Old and New Testaments. This is so because it is so tempting to follow the world. Frances Drost got it wrong in the service last week when she interpreted chapter 73 of Psalms. She erroneously stated that Asaph was commenting about his sinfulness, but what he was trying to say was he almost starting living like the world because they seem to be successful and in today's words... having all the fun, what would it hurt, he thought. But then he came to the house of God and remembered their end! He changed his mind and stayed pure or holy to the Lord.

If he would come to most churches today, he would not get the same message. Today we preach... we too can have the same fun as the world, just put Christ in the mix and all the stuff they do will be purified and good to do. This, of course is Satan's attempt to lure you away. Don't fall for it daughters! Seek to be separate from the world. John says not to "love the things in this world, the things they like to do and the things they boast about. James says to keep from being polluted by the world. If we look in the OT we see that the whole problem Israel had was becoming like the world around them and forsaking God. Oh this is such a crucial theme.

I love you, daughters. My heart aches when I think of you reaching to the world to find relief from a days troubles or struggles. Don't flee to You Tube or worldly music to relax. Can Disney really bring full satisfaction. Instead, flee to God side and as David continually says, praise his holy name. Now that would bring me so much joy to hear such a thing!


PS... I like it when I learn that my daughters turn to hymns to relax and find peace... good choice!

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