Sunday, November 8, 2015

Psalm 76:1

November 08, 2015

Psalm 76:1... In Judah, God is known; his name is great in Israel...

In Psalm 96:4, the author say "For great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods." When the people of Israel feared God, they knew he was the best thing that they could ever have. Looking at their past, they could see how God had worked in their lives. Abram was chosen by God and told to leave his home country (Ge 12:1 & 2) and took him to Canaan where he made a covenant with him. Jacob was met by God and blessed him. Moses met God on Mt Sinai and received the Law for the people of Israel to follow and if they would do so he would be with them and protect them (Ge 31:18 +). Joshua met the angel of the Lord and God promised  to be with him and help him conquer the Promise Land (Josh. 1:1-9). During Solomon's time, God came and his presence filled the temple and they worshiped him (2 Chron 5:14).

God was know to Israel, and we should know him too. God continues to work among his people in in the world around them. When we read the scriptures revealed to us is the mind and heart of God. There, we see his character and his authority. We can be confident that he will be here for us as well. Through Jesus, we have become his children and that gives to the the assurance that we will be provided for and the confidence that he will never let us down. He is a great God and there is none like him (Jer 10:6). When ever we are hurting or sad or lonely, we can count on him to be there for us. For us, he has given his Spirit to live with us. Jesus may have returned to heaven, but he did not leave us alone as if we were orphans. No!. The Father sent the Holy Spirit to confer with our spirit, reassuring us that we are his and that he will give to us what we need to carry us through. (Jn 14:18, Ro 8:16).

K and A, Know that we serve a great God! There is none like him! His name is great among his people. The world may you foolish for living a separate life, different from those around you. THey will wonder why you don't participate in their fun. Pay no attention to Satan's wiles. He only tries to sidetrack you into a defeated and pointless life. Serve the Lord with gladness and worship him in joyful song, (Ps 100:2). Know that you are his and He is with you. Stand confidently before wickedness for he is a great God who is on your side.


How Great Thou Art:
George Beverly Shea (a Wesleyan PK) -
  Read about Shea at Wikipedia...
Susan Boyle -

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