Thursday, November 19, 2015

Psalm 87:7

November 19, 2015

Psalm 87:7... As they make music they will sing, "All my fountains are in you."...

"Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord," (Eph 5:19) is a command of Paul to the Ephesians. He was instructing them on their need to be careful in how they live (vs 15). In verse 11 he says to have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness. He was showing them how important it was to make good use of their time (vs 13), use it all for the Lord not for your own satisfaction and pleasure. He said it not even good to discuss what the wicked do in secret. (vs 12). The Ephesians were to drink and party like the wicked (vs 18) but were to sing and make music to the Lord in their heart and share them with other believers. (vs 19)

Today the church pushes the ways of the world which are altered by placing Christ into what it does. This is very dangerous. We have brought the ways of the world into the light. What used to go on in the dimly lit bars and clubs are done in the broad daylight. And now they are done in the church as well. There was a day that we never ate in the church, the sanctuary normally. Today, we are encouraged to buy food & coffee and take it into the sanctuary. We party in the church. We dance in the church. People swear in the church and even the preacher swear during his sermon. We dress like the world, talk like the world and act like the world. Unfortunately, too many churches are the world in disguise.

Oh young ladies, It saddens my heart to know where our churches are headed. They have led your generation away from all that was considered sacred. Many of my generation laughed at the ways of the past. Your grandfather saw them perform plays at church general conference poking fun at past generations: their rules, their dress. Often the practices of the church were still in the bylaws of the church. The "left" in America does the same thing to the principles we always held dear: things like Right to life, at one time No Sunday sales, Bible reading in the schools, Sexual fidelity, No homosexuality, Marriage between one man and one woman. No dancing was in both of our denominations. But anything goes today... The question is, what will you choose... will you choose to follow the ways world or to follow the way of Christ? Choose life! When you do, you will find true joy. It won't be something you do to feel good. It will be something inside of you that comes out of you like a fountain. Flee the "deeds of darkness" which seeks external pleasures, rather fill yourself with purity and holiness so the joy of the Lord bubbles out from your soul.


Song: "It's bubbling in my Soul", "Running Over"

 Okay I could have found a better one, 

because I know you like it K,, oh I found this one too

O the songs that children  used to sing,  A cute one,

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