Saturday, November 21, 2015

Psalm 89:13

November 21, 2015

Psalm 89:13... Your arm is endued with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted...

Is there anyone greater than God? He created all things, and then sat back and declared it was good, very good. (Ge 1:31). He gathered all the needed animals for Noah to take into the ark, then he broke open the heavens and caused it to rain for 40 days and nights until the whole earth was renewed from the evil that had developed. (Ge 6:23) Take Sodom and Gomorrah, it was destroyed by power from the heavens. God rained down burning sulfur from the sky and burned up the valley and destroyed the wickedness. (Ge 19:23-29) And he commands the angles, even the angle of death. He called him out to kill all the first born of Egypt in a night. Wailing was heard over the whole country, except in (Ge 12:29 & 30)

In verse 6 of today's psalm, it asks the rhetorical question, who is like the Lord among the heavenly beings? Of course, the answer is no one. If we know that is true, why do we then not turn to him in our times of need or despair? Why do we moan and fret instead of relaxing in his arms of comfort and care? How foolish we can be as his children. Many of us go to the world to find answers. We google a thought, we escape on Pintrest or Instagram to forget our problems. Facebook friends become our harbingers of peace and contentment. How foolish to turn to the pleasures of the world when there is no one as great as the Lord, no one as wise! If we sould but come to him we would find that this life is a cake walk full of prizes we keep winning.

K and A, "seek the Lord and he will be found, call on him while he is near." (Is 55:6) God is waiting to give you a hand. He wants you to come to him for life's answers. His spirit will be the sagacious harbinger of all that is needed. If you but run to him instead of running to the world. The world's untruths will bind you, where God's wisdom will free you. His arm is strong and he will lift you above any problem.


Song: I Serve a Mighty God

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