Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Psalm 78:6

November 10, 2015

Psalm 78:6... so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn will tell their children...

A psalm of Asaph, this chapter covers a short synopsis of the problem Israel had in the desert. Asaph says how they must never forget the problems Israel had, and how rebellious they were. They must tell their children what God has done for them and what would happen if they forget to serve him. Asaph recalled how the people of Israel broke the covenant by not following his law and how God would correct them by sending hard times even to the point of death.

God had Moses tell the people ot Israel what would happen... They would forget him when things started going well. He said he would have to send pestilence to bring them back. And they did forget him and they set up other gods and broke the commands God gave to Moses. What did Moses and Asaph say that would be a deterrent to forgetting God? The telling of his wondrous deeds! Moses said... tell them when you get up, when you lie down, when you sit, and when you walk along the road. (Dt. 11:19) In other word, talk about the the things of the Lord all the time. Teach your children what God had done in your life and the lives of other now and in the past. Then they will know and their children after them and "they will in turn tell their children."

K and A, today's verse could be about the need to follow God and how if we forget him he will discipline us to bring us back and we could say all that happened to Israel as examples. But, I want to stress to you the need to tell the next generation the way to live for the Lord. My generation has failed in this area. We said to our parents... don't tell me what to do, so they didn't (I know why and it was sad) and then when we had children to tell we said let them make their own decisions and all will be found. But the sad thing is they don't. Very few people your age believe in the way their grandparents lived. It is like there is a different God that they serve. The Sabbath is forgotten. Holiness has no meaning. Fleeing carnality is laughed at. Honor and integrity is of the past. Lying and rebellion is common - we look good but just to please our authority. Then we go do what we want. I've tried to show you a different path than the world around you; even a different than what today's church takes. Heed the words of Asaph. Know that if we forsake the Law of God it has consequences. Is there forgiveness for a fallen christian? Thank the Lord there is, but he says it is like crucifying Jesus all over again. (He. 6:6) You don't want to cause Christ to suffer and to be disgraced before the world again? So live holy lives and in the future, tell your children the way to walk. Tell them of the great things the Lord has done for you and those before you so they will know the way to walk and then they too can pass it on. There is nothing so rewarding to see your child faithfully following the Lord!


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