Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Psalm 79:8

November 11, 2015

Psalm 79:8... Do not hold against us the sins of our fathers; may your mercy come quickly to meet us, for we are in desperate need...

Again Asaph ask God for his help. His country is in hardship and their enemies are coming up against them. He sees destruction and death. He pleads for the hand of God to intervene and to turn back the armies of the oppressors. But, Asaph doesn't miss the cause. He says in verse 9, "deliver us and forgive our sons for your sake." He recognizes that it is not the oppressors that causes them trouble,it is their own sin! Those who come against them are God's judgments against their sin.

We need to understand that God does not choose to destroy us. There are two main causes of troubles, those caused by Satan's desire to see man fall and disciplines allowed by God. Remember that just because you have trouble it doesn't mean you have sinned. But it is very important that we see there is a punishment for sin and these come to us and we may not see the hand of God's discipline. It is good and necessary for us to consider the possibility that God is not please with our actions. Many people like to blame others for their hardship and my generation was told by many  "experts" that your parents are the root cause of all your troubles; blame them. God says that we die for our own sins. He tell his children Israel this in Jeremiah and Ezekial. they like to quote a proverb... "The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children's teeth are set on edge." (Jr 31:29, Ez 18:2) Israel wanted to blame their forefathers for their hardship and God... no you suffer for your own sins!

K and A, Consider your trouble. What is its cause? Is is like Job, from no cause of your own? or is it like David whose children fought and tore at each other and even committing murder. This was an extension of his sin with Bathsheba. Don't think that sins have no consequences. Even after sins are forgiven they reap a harvest. Also, never blame your parent for you sin problem. The scripture specifically says that the sins of the fathers are carried to their children to the third and fourth generation but it also say that can be reversed so that you begin a heritage of righteousness. (Ez 18:19-24) The best way is to walk the walk of holy living, to please God by being obedient to him. This will produce a life that is full of joy and happiness.


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