Friday, November 13, 2015

Psalm 81:11

November 13, 2015

Psalm 81:11... But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me...

Asaph is lamenting again. He continues to ask God for help to turn his people bless their nation again. He knows his nation failed God and that they were stubborn and not wanting to return to him. But that would be their only way back to success, the only way to find peace from their enemy. But they weren't willing!

Sounds like man. Why aren't we willing to please God by being obedient to his Word. As Christians we are called to be his children, to be obedient to him and to follow his decrees. We have it better than Israel, God expects us to follow his ways, just like he did Israel but we have it easier since he has given us the Holy Spirit to aid us. But like man always has been, we still give in to the world around us and are stubborn and follow our own devices (vs 12).

Ladies, this verse isn't very positive. Do not act like a stubborn child, not for me or for God. If you aren't living a way that is pleasing to God, don't be stubborn. Submit to him and yeild your ways so they become like his ways! If you do he will bless you like it says in vs 16... you will be fed hiney and you will be satisfied!


I'm satisfied..  didn't get a chance proof this... not the song I wanted.

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