Friday, November 27, 2015

Psalm 95:1

November 27, 2015

Psalm 95:1... Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation...

Christ is the Rock on which to build. He is the foundation, the cornerstone and the capstone. The foundation is what holds the stability. It is the sure footing which does not shift. A cornerstone is the one used to define the building, It is the beginning and sets the location, angle and elevation of the building. It determines how the building is to be laid out. And the capstone is the last part of the building. The top of the wall. It ties together all that has been assembled. It keeps all from coming apart.

"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand." This familiar hymn was written to reinforce the truth that Jesus is the one our faith needs to be grounded in. He is our Rock and our Salvation. (Ps 62:6) We need not fear the turmoil and storms of life. When the winds howl and the torrents swirl about, we can feel safe in his arms. In fact, we need not cower in the corner of his love. No, we can stand tall with him. Like Peter walking on the water, when we focus on him and keep our eye on what is worthy, Jesus will keep us from sinking in the quagmire of life.

A and K, look around you... is anyone watching?... make a fist with both hands. Go ahead they're not watching. Now, put one on top of the other. Take the one off of the bottom and put it on the top and then do it again with the other one... While doing this sing these words.. "The wise man built his house upon the rock.... You finish the rest. Daughter, like it says in verse 3 of the song - "so build your house on the Lord Jesus Christ"... and you will find that through all the turmoil that comes your way, you will be able to remain standing.


Song: "The Solid Rock" & "The Wise Man Built His House Upon The Rock"

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