Saturday, October 31, 2015

Psalm 69:8

October 31, 2015

Psalm 69:8... I am a stranger to my brothers; an alien to my own mother's sons...

David felt alone. He sought to please God but even his own family scorned him. There were many against him. People who had no reason to despise him were against him. They came against him to destroy him, to bring him down. But, David stood for what was right. He was not going to allow the attacks of others stop him from trying to please God. In his heart, David knew he wasn't perfect. He recognized his "folly" and "guilt" and he knew that God saw them as well (vs 5). Yet David wanted to do what was right and desired to please the Lord. Even when scorned and rejected or hated and made fun of, he would not give in. He was consumed with zeal for the house of God and took upon himself insults toward God as if they were against him. David was set in his heart that he was going to serve the Lord.

We are called to serve the Lord no matter what comes against us. The attacks of the enemy get personal at times; they hit close home. Friends and family may attack, but we must not faint and fall back. Stand, that is what we are called to do (Ep 6:13). Christ has disciples, we must be willing to forsake all else, so we can be one? Jesus said that we must hate our own life and even ourselves to be one (Lk 14:26).

Daughters, are you willing to forsake all to live as a disciple. You may say, "but I accepted Christ when I was young," or "I was baptized." These are so very important but serving Christ is so much more. To forsake the world around you when it is so inviting or to shrink back when you seem out of place is wrong and leads you away from Christ. Endure the hardship of being different from the world around you. It is the only way to be united with Christ and to "be" his disciple.


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