Saturday, October 24, 2015

August 24, 2015

Psalm 1:1... Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers...
If you want to remain strong in your faith, here is what you must do... do not take advice from the world. They are mockers. They are wicked. They are sinners. They clothe themselves in books, magazines, pins on Pintress, web sites, sex and relationship advice, movies, TV programs, music, FB friends, preachers, teachers, convo speakers, anywhere conversation takes place.
Whoa... what do we do. How can we know what advice to follow. I say this... know the Bible. If they give advice contrary to the Word, stop listening. This is so important with music and programs. Sometimes we like a certain song of a performer, good music and the lyrics aren't objectionable... it suck us in and we listen to their other music and slowly it doesn't seem "too bad". We then begin to sit in their counsel and it takes us off track.
Be careful, K, what listen to or what you watch. Remember grandpa's rat poison illustration. It fits so well. Be alert to the tricks of your souls enemy. Choose the high road. ~Dad

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