Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 12, 2015

Psalm 19:14... May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer...
Chapter 19 of Psalms is worth reading. It is full. From the recognition of God through his creation, to the perfection of God's statues, and for our desire to be holy and pure before God in both sin of omission and the sins comission, the one you didn't know you were doing and the ones you wanted to do.
In this verse we see the psalmist's desire. He want to be holy in thought and through the words he spoke. In other words he wanted to think and act holy. Some people act holy in public yet in secret or in thought they live contrary to God's commands and desires.
A, K, want do you spend most of your time thinking about when it's not school work. When you need to take a break from school what online site do you visit. Those are the things you are meditating on. Ask the Lord to help you be pleasing in his sight as you peruse the internet, view You Tube, check out posts on Facebook, Pintrest, or Twitter, and with the music you choose to listen to. Ask yourself, do these things glorify God? Meditate, think about, good and wholesome things. You will find life lifted by the joy God gives you in return. ~Dad

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