Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 11, 2015

Psalm 48:14... For this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end...
This psalm is about the greatness of Jerusalem. It was great declared great because of who inhabited the city - God. God was the one who made it great. Yes, it had a citadels and towers, and it was a beautiful city, but that was not what made it a great city. It greatness came from God himself. His name made it strong. His unfailing love and greatness made it great. His protection made it great.
Man needs to see that our greatness doesn't come from within. It does not come from his abilities, his looks, nor his accomplishments. Rather, it comes from God. When we solely see man for who he is without God we see temporary success and ultimately we see failure. Man has proved that he will always destroy himself. See chapter 3 of Genesis for this. Man is created perfect, yet he cannot even succeed when he never knew wrong. It is only when he is teemed with God that we find him worthy of glory and success.
A & K, seek to be called a child of God. Know that you will not succeed without him. Never forget that how you look or what you accomplish will always fail you if not coupled with Christ. Teem up with the one who make all the difference. ~Dad
I taught this to the youth class at church this morning

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