Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 22, 2015

Psalm 29:11, The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace....
Many times we think we are strong, yet when troubles come they get us down. This is because we try to stand on our own strength. It s true that the scripture says that we are to stand firm, be self-controlled, and other character traits that takes our effort to complete. To trust in God; to be strengthed by him is not to do noting and he does it all. God did not strike Goliath dead he strengthened David to do it. God did not smote all the Midianites dead for Gideon. Gideon had to be obedient to God, then God gave him the wisdom and strength to complete the task given by God.
Maybe the greatest example of this is when the people of Israel were fighting the Amalekites. When the Moses hands were raised to God, the Israelites were winning the battle, when he didn't, the Amalekites began to win... so what can we learn from them and tie it into this verse.
A and K, don't ever think you can stand on your own strength. Most people think they have to. We need to rely on God for our strength. But do not swing to the other side like a pendulum and think it is all his to do and you sit back and wonder why you are so miserable in times of trouble or heartache. (this is for the good times too) For you to have peace: first - be his people (raise your hand to God), second - rely on him (if he says you win by raising your hands - do it), third - fight, (the people of Israel still had to fight the battle to win), fourth - allow others to help you, (Others held up Moses arms so Israel could win)
Daughters, God will strengthen you and give you peace as you yield your life to him. ~Dad

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