Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 09, 2015

Psalm 16:8... I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken...
We want to be able to stand the trials of life. We want to have courage and do what is right. We want to live God's ways and not the world, but we need strength to do so. Where does the strength come from? It comes from God. It come from the one who is stronger than any temptation Satan can put in our path.
I have two young ladies who came from different backgrounds. One restricted and the other free. One saturated in spiritual things and the other allowed to experience both spiritual things and the world. Thankfully both have chosen God ways for their walk. To stand for godliness is a choice for each must choose everyday. Your upbringing doesn't determine your future. It only makes the choices easier, but YOU still must decide to stand. But after we have decided how can we when Satan is stronger that we are? When must do as the scripture says... "set the Lord always before you." The key word for success here is always.
A & K, chose each day to allow the Holy Spirit to be with you. Desire his presence and ask him to be there for you. You need not sin, contrary to most theology. God can help you stand and you will not be shaken! ~Dad

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