Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 12, 2015

Psalm 49:7... No one can redeem a life of another or give to God a ransom for him...
There is only one way to God; it is through his son Jesus (Jn 14:6). There is no greater love a person can have for another but to lay their life down for them (Jn 15:13), but they cannot save them. Redemption is only possible through Jesus.
We cannot not save another, but we are told to go into the world and tell others about the "Way" to be saved. Then we are to disciple them to help them walk in the way. The people we talk to must accept the Way and are responsible to accept the walk through discipleship. If they refuse, their blood is on their own head (Ek 33:1-20 [good to read]). We must first be willing to learn and then we must share what we have learned.
K and A, both of you have heeded the warning to flee the coming destruction by walking with God. You have learned some, but you have not been disciplined fully. Continue down this path. I have been given the responsibility to lead you on this journey and that is why I have corrected you along the way. K I have not had much time with you and you have been given much to swallow and it goes down hard at times. What is worse, others treated you differently and said this will be okay for you and I changed your prescriptions. As a nurse in training and as a patient yourself at times, you know how medicine, shots and the like are not pleasant at times (most times), but it must be administered if the patient is to get better and not suffer. Daughters, take the Word I give to you and the practices I deem most appropriate for your life. You will find them most useful in your walk with the Lord in the future. When attacks from the enemy come, you will be strong and make it through unscathed. Remember as the verse says, I cannot redeem you or even lay my life down for you to save you. If I could I would, all I can do is tell you what has been given me in order for you to walk holy with the Lord. ~Dad
One last thing... K, you know the care of the nurse is crucial for the health of the patient. If she is a harsh or course acting nurse they may not recover. Girls... I'll work diligently to administer the word in such a way that it's truths are palatable. I'm sorry for the times I haven't done in the past. Forgive me, sometimes dads are the best they can be. (A... that means no pill guns like we use with the cows or those bag fed calves)

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