Saturday, October 24, 2015

August 29, 2015

Psalm 6:1... O Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath...

We are to fear the Lord. And rightly so for he is the only one who can caste both body and soul into Hell. It is not good to anger the Lord with our actions, by the way we live or think for that matter. This will bring us to destruction.

David understood this and asks the Lord to only rebuke and discipline him when He is merciful. We cannot stand the wrath of God. Fortunately, God is "slow to anger and abounding in love", and we are spared much grief because of it. So plead the mercies of the Lord if you fail him.

One last note... not rebuking and not disciplining in anger or waft is important for parents to remember. I know at least Kellie want to be a mother. Good mothers will not discipline in anger nor good fathers. If you are angry, you must wait to correct.

So, please God, A... seek God's mercies, K... When you please the Lord, there is no need of fear and peace floods the soul. ~Dad

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