Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 28, 2015

Psalm 35:14... I went about mourning as though for my friend or brother, I bowed my head in grief as though weeping for my mother...
Without knowing the context of the chapter, one would just guess what is being spoken of here. In this chapter, David is complaining about the attacks of his enemies. hey constantly work against him and seek his demise. Time after time they attack, set step traps for him to capture and destroy him.
But this verse talks of David's response. It is a response of Jesus himself. It is a response of love. David did not always have this response for his enemy. Many times he asks God to destroy them. Always remember that we are called to follow Jesus not every action a character of the Bible done. Jesus says to love your enemy and to help them. To this we are called.
A & K, Seek the good of others. This is also true for your enemy. It is the sign of a true Christian. Now you two don't have enemies, I suppose. But there are those that may be annoying to you. These are ones to whom you must love and seek to serve. When you serve others you live a Christ and God is pleased. ~Dad

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