Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 07, 2015

Psalm 44:1 We have heard with our ears, O God; our fathers have told us what you did in their days, in days long ago...
Israel's history was well known. Not just in their own nation but in other nations as well and they feared God. Sad thing is that Israel forgot what God did for them and they turned from him. They had no fear of what might occur.
I've heard it said that when you say the words... I remember how it used to be... I remember when God used to move among us.... I remember... if you say these things you are trying to live in the past and you are hurting the cause of Christ. Churches have been closed and taken over. I know of these places. They questioned it at Saville. Well God wants us to remember and tell the stories of what God has done. He dies want us to live it today today as well.
A and K. I do remember a past where God moved among his people. A movement that cause his people to move away from the world not to it. One where holiness meant a difference between the people of the world and the church because of how the lived and what they did. K, I hear these words from Dan Taylor at camp... he want to see the Lord like when he was young. You witnessed it there some but not in the days of old when the move of God was so holy that confessions and repentance were unstoppable.
I think I know the problem... people want the move of God but they don't want the contrite hearts that must come with the move of the spirit. Today we don't want the holiness lifestyle that the Anita Brechbill and Grace Taylor's of the world lived. How will you ladies be? I pray you want the holiness of the past and are willing to find it by being separate from the world today... then you to can tell the glory of years past when God moved in your lives. ~Dad

I did not have the time nor the concentration at "work" to give references. Can a point be true if you can't prove it in scripture? so here are some...
"but in other nations as well" (Josh. 2:10 & 11)
"Israel forgot what God did for them" (Jdg 3:7) (Jdg 8:38) (Dt 4:9 - so crucial to read - get your Bible out & read it!)

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