Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 19, 2015

Psalm 26:8... I love the house where you live, O Lord, the place where your glory dwells...
The house of the Lord. Church. The sanctuary. Our hearts. These are all places where God resides. Special places we go to meet with the creator, to honor him and to give him praise. His glory can fill those places and no unholy thing can enter.
Have we filled our hearts with the glory of the Lord so no sins can enter. Are the things we see on the Internet and the music we listen to, and the choices we make take away room from his glory?
A and K, God wants all of you. Yeild to him your whole being so sin cannot entangle you. Don't give the devil a foothold (Ep 4:207). Fill your heart with his fullness and enjoy his presence. ~Dad

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