Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 03, 2015

Psalm 10:1... Why, oh Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble...
What kind of enouraging word is this? How does this build my faith? Who would leave me alone when I need them? Is this the kind of God I want to serve?
Let me answer the last one straight out... YES! The rest of the answers will be hidden in the exegesis.
Who are we to think that God has to come running to us everytime we get a boo boo. No responsible parent runs to their child everytime the get hurt. How would the child ever grow up? No a parent choose which hurt are serious enough to attend to. Others they just tell the to put some tape on it. wink emoticon God is not aloof. He knows exactly what we need and when and how to stretch us. We must rely on his wisdom for he is all knowing. He acts how and when he chooses, because he knows best.
Remember Job when you think of troubles. It was rough for him. Yet, God kept quiet. Even tough Job got testy with God. He told his wife I will not curse God!... side note; don't ever be a wife like Job's wife... at the right time Job met with God and in the end was blessed by God because he remained faithful.
My daughters, choose to serve God now and in any and every situation. Then when the lonely or difficult times come, you will be assured God is watching and seeing how grown up you really are. Like me, he loves you both. Trust him. ~Dad

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