Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 21, 2015

Psalm 28:2... Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up my hands toward your most holy place...
We need to go to the Lord in our times of trouble. He will be there for us and will reach down from heaven and give us the strength we need to carry on. The last two verses stressed the fact that we meet God in his dwelling place and that is in a church setting but also in our hearts.
Notice that David put two clarifiers on his statement: one we must call out, and two, we must be most holy. When having troubles many people work hard to solve the problem without involving God then wonder why he isn't helping them. We must take our trouble and anxiety to him right away and allow him to help us. But the second clarifier is as important as the first. We must be diligent at keeping ourselves pure and holy before him. this is not a a little good mixed in with the bad, or I'm mostly good type of life. This is one that strives daily to please an honor him with our entire being, especially with the thing we choose to do.
Young ladies, choose to be holy; set apart for the Lord. Flee those things that slow and hinder your walk with the Lord. Seek him in your times of trouble and you will find life to be pleasant in difficult times. Remember, there will be other Christians who do things I have told you are unwise or even wrong. Choose to take the more narrow road that leads to life and walk in a "most holy" way. Like Anita Brechbill said to you and me, K, with joy on her face and and love in her eyes for you, she never regretted taking that road. Neither will either of you. ~Dad

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