Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 10, 2015

Psalm 17:3... Though you probe my heart and examine my heart at night, though you test me, you will find nothing; I have resolved that my mouth will not sin...
The deeds done in a day do not disappear at the end of the day when the sun goes down. The deeds done at night are not hidden by the darkness. All the thought of our mind are not secluded just because others can't know them. God sees and knows what you think and do. Nothing is hidden from his sight. Therefor, we must determine to do good deeds and think good thoughts. Our lives are before him and he examines our hearts to see if we are pure.
David resloved to not sin even with his mouth. He told God to examine him and was confident that he would be found guiltless. Now we know that David committed an egregious sin and he was nailed by the prophet Nathan for stealing and killing. When David saw his sin, he admitted it and sought the Lord for forgiveness and a clean heart. God gave that to him and he was restored.
Seek to do right, A. Know your heart, K. Keep yourselves in check. Resolve to never sin. The ways of the world may look enticing at times, especially when they appear harmless... "what does it matter," "there isn't much wrong with it,' "we're just having a little fun," "other Christians do it," These are all tricks used by Satan to hook us into sin. The Bible says to "not give Satan a foothold'. When you resolve to never sin, God will help you when temptations come. He will "provide a way out" so you can continue to stand. That way you can lie in peace knowing you pleased God that day. ~Dad

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