Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 14, 2015

Psalm 21:13... Be exalted , O Lord, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might...
Here, David praises God for his successes. He recognizes that his abilities are a direct result of God working in his life. He not only thanks him for it, but gives him credit for it; called giving the glory to God. I said this recently: I remember a reel to reel tape that was passed around between my dad family. My Aunt Mildred made a comment that I will never forget (as long as my mind is clear, as Grandpa would say); The chicken are doing well. God is really blessing them... She gave credit to God for the chickens growing well and laying eggs, I suppose. That made a huge impression on me. David did this all the time. And God called him a man after his own heart. Should tell us something.
A and K. Give glory to God for the success in your life, both in the little things and the big things. Never be proud and take the credit for what you have done well. A is getting to hear it now - the testimony time during a service, and K, I believe you remember them from Seyfert Camp. They were an important time of recognizing what God was doing in ones life and showed everyone how good of a God we serve. The more we praise and honor him, the more we will love him. ~Dad

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