Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 13, 2014

Psalm 50:10... For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousands hills...
This psalm of Asaph, not David, tells us that although God wanted Israel to sacrifice to him, it wasn't for his benefit, it was for theirs. God owns it all and is in need of nothing. In fact when he calls his people to tithe to him it doesn't benefit him it benefits the giver. That is the essence of this scripture.
We are called to tithe today just like Israel was called to. Tithing doesn't help God but it does help his church. I am convinced that If God doesn't get it from us, he will give our 10% to someone else who is willing to give to him. We wonder where all our money goes... check and see it we are tithing. But God want more than just our tithe when want extra from us called offerings... God sounds greedy; like he wants it all! Don't forget the beginning of the post... God already owns it all. the giving is for our benefit!
K and A, know that God allows us to keep 90% of what he allows you to have earned. He requires you give him 10% (Mt 23:23, Lk 11:42) and asks to to give more if you feel blessed or see a need around you. He does this for your benefit. Remember, your money is really his and you are just a steward of his money. I exhort you to set aside 10% of the gross of your earnings and give it back to the Lord... the church and then give more as an offering to him. Verse 15 says that when we do this, God will deliver us when we call out to him. Seems important. A, have you set aside 10% from the money you received from B.E.? Don't neglect the your worship of God in this manner. It too is part of holiness and you will be blessed when you do so. ~Dad
PS... When I first read this verse I was going to write a light hearted version... I'll post it later.

As promised, although delayed
Psalm 50:10... For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousands hills...
God does not need our sacrifices, so he can survive; It all belongs to him.
We need him and all of what we have comes from him.
I remember years ago when we would go our to hunt deer upstate and then have Uncle Graybill's family here, Grandpa (both mine and yours) would pray... Lord keep us safe, and the cattle on a thousand hills are yours, how about sending some our way. I always liked that. smile emoticon

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