Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 13, 2015

Psalms 20:7... Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of our God...
Where do you find your strength? Maybe you find it in your knowledge, maybe in your abilities. Some believe there heritage or upbringing will pull them through. Of course there is the church, music, beauty, suave demeanor, ability to memorize, the boyfriend or fiance, and for some their physical strength. Which one of these is you?
To rely on anything or anybody is to rely on failure. Each one of these is faulty on their own and will fail you at some point, in some way. The only thing to depend on is God and his word. He never changes and never fails! He can provide and strengthen you to succeed in every area of life.
I pray that you ladies will reach out and put your trust in Jesus. His Spirit will come beside you and hold you in rough times and strengthen you so you can handle all situations that come. He will also fill you with joy and bring you peace in troubled times. And he will rejoice with you in your good times. Seek him and find it so. ~Dad

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