Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 07, 2015

Psalm 14:1... " The fools says in his heart, "there is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good...
Fools are ones who is void of all moral and spiritual conscience. They act only on a carnal mindset; satisfying the flesh or natural desires. They are great candidates for becoming vile and corrupt. There is never a right or wrong but only lives to satisfy self. Most people are not complete fools but today's society leans that way.
We must be care we do not become fools or ever play the part. Today's worldly church feeds on such thing. They believe they should do things that satisfy desires to be free, to have fun, to feel good, to bring pleasure. God says we should be servant, under subjection, and to control the desires of both the body and mind.
My daughters, will you be willing to give up the desires of self and live out the desires of the Spirit? Are you able to keep the heart, mind, and body in check so as to keep yourselves holy? Keep devoted to the Lord. Don't be fooled by the desires of the world or the worldly church. Never play the part. Seek first the Kingdom and you will be filled and life will be satisfying. ~Dad

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