Saturday, October 24, 2015

Psalm 61:1

October 24, 2015

Psalm 61:1... Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer...

The are many examples of people in the Bible calling out to God. Abraham pleaded with the Lord for others. The Lord had come to earth to destroy the people of the cities of the plains and Abraham tried to save the cities from destruction (Ge. 18:16-33). Job demands an audience with God to plead his case before him (Job 23:3-7). Paul also pleads with the Lord to take away his "thorn in the flesh" (II Co 12:8)

Should we not plead with God for our concerns and needs. We must! God is not deaf like an idol; no he is living and hears his child's every cry yet we are told to plead with to him like the persistent widow (Luke 18:6-8). In fact, in verse 8, he says that he will come and hopes to find someone who is faithful... faithful in calling out to him.

A and K,  you have seen the War Room. You know that the main messages of the movie, specify your need and cry out to God to answer it. What are you facing in life. You cannot face life alone. There will come a time that all will seem lost and you will need to turn to Him. I say, do it before you need him. He will keep you strong. And when you do find heartache, you wont need to prepare yourself to seek him because he is already close by. With some struggles of my own this past year I know I could not have made it if it wasn't for God. People may betray you and all might seem hopeless, but not God! He will hear your cry and listen to your prayer. What a great God we serve.


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