Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 05, 2015

Psalm 42:5... Why are you so downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my savior and my God...
David was tormented my enemies. They sought not only his demise but they sought his life. Even his own child tried to take his kingdom and was successful for a time, taking all he owned as his own. David barely escaped with his life... not wife, they we left behind, sad to say. (II Sam 15 - 19) This brought turmoil and his heart was broken and anguish filled his life.
In our life, troubles come. For the past year and a half I have seen time of anguish that before that time I had never experienced. There are times when I cannot see a moment ahead and I fall apart. I am not sure what all causes this but an uncontrollable sadness takes over - for a time. I say this because I am happy that I am not over taken when this occurs. The teachings about God and his love and faithfulness, his forgiveness and peace, and his provisions of strength have sustained me during these times. I am saddened that my emotional struggle exists. I do believe that if I grew up with the preaching and teachings of today and fed on the shallowness of today's music I would wallow in the pity I create for myself.
The preaching you heard last night Anna is the type I grew up on. It speaks of victory the is possible when we not only trust, God but the victory that is possible as we flee the world around us. Today's church and today's church music feed on never being rid of sin just that we are forgiven from it. Such a false teaching. If I grew up on that teaching I don't know where I would be right now.
You two young ladies are similar. Anna has had a more strict upbringing. Both have been given the truth. Kellie, you have have been close to and experienced the trash and sins of the world. Anna, you need to thank God you have been saved from them.... My prayer is that you know there is hope for tomorrow. Nothing is to tough for God. Know to that God is not aloof. He knows exactly what you need. But you have a part to do. If you feed on the things of this world (its music and its pleasures you will fall! (that would break my heart, :() If you feed on today church music and the popular teachings of today's church you will be weak and standing will will be difficult. You will never regret leaving the world behind and living a life of conservative holiness (sad we even have to clarify holiness) Brother Ledford was right, you will never regret it, daughters! Live that kind of life and your mourning will be turned into joy! ~Dad

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