Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 23, 2015

Psalm 30:4... Sing to the Lord, you saints of his; praise his holy name...
There is much to praise the Lord for. He is a marvelous God. He supplies us with strength both physically and spiritually. He provides joy and peace. We know this but rarely do we think about what the next verse says.... God anger last only for a moment.
We don't think of this often because we have been taught so much about the love of God we fail to recognize that the Lord gets perturbed with man and wonders when he will ever learn. Well, THAT MY WORDS BUT WE DO KNOW THAT GOD IS NOT HAPPY WHEN WE SIN AND HE GETS ANGRY (oops, cap lock) How much more so when his son died for us and we sin against God anyway, its like crucifying him him all over again. (He. 6:4) But we can be thankful that God is first slow to anger and second abounding in love. He anger is for a moment but his favor lasts a lifetime! (vs 5)
K and A, when you know that you failed God, don't take it lightly. It does sadden God, and he will become angry with you if you could care less about it. Instead, ask for forgiveness, determine in your heart that you will be holy as he is holy. (1 Pe 1:16) Then rejoice and thank him for his forgiving spirit and be glad he favors you. ~Dad

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