Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 19, 2015

Psalm 56:4...In God, whose word I praise, In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?
The scriptures are full of references to trusting in God. Psalms and Proverbs have verses which state it outright. The examples of people trusting God are many. Using the three Hebrew captives of the Chaldeans as an example, we can see how they knew God was on their side. Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah's story is marked by the overweening sense of trust theses young men put in God to deliver them from the hand of the enemy. They never received freedom from captivity but they were able to show that God would protect them in their captivity for as long as he - God deem best. They came out un-scorched (Dn 3:27).
Let's look at two things here. First, They trusted that God was in control. What could mortal men do to them? Plenty. They had been taken captive and forced to subject to the king and to his decrees. Yet they refused to yield to his demand that went against God. They willing took on the consequences when they could not alter the kings decree (Dn 1:8-16) Second, we can learn that even if death is imminent, that is a better choice than yielding to the ways of man! These three men said, "even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." (Dn 3:18). They were ready to die for there belief in God and his word.
K and A, it is so easy to yield to the pressures around us. But we don't need to. I have asked you to take the way of holiness. This is not an easy path. Both of you have made fun of the conservative holiness way in reference to exposed elbows. I ask you not to make fun of others rules. It will cause apathy for all rules and that is not good. The pressures today to follow the ways of the world are strong today like the have always been. When you look at what happened to Israel when they wanted to be like those around them you will want different from those around you. When you say to yourself, "no one else in the church has to be so restrictive, what benefit is there to me to live separate," remember that the way to heaven is narrow and few find it. And consider what happens two or three generations from now.
K, your family history is not as strong in the Lord as ours, although you since you have been adopted in you add a new heritage. This heritage on my fathers side has had hundreds of years in being a separate people. Just look at my FB and see what happens in one generation when we choose the way of the world around us. They dance, they drink, they wear immodest clothes then they turn and say wonderful "christian" words. Janus, is the word that comes to mind. I am saddened how we have led your generation astray mixing secularism and Christ. frown emoticon
But you do not have to be like the rest. The three captives weren't. They chose not to be like the world around them. They were willing to die. Yet, God protected them. I doubt that this will be so drastic in your life today... maybe the future if the world and church continues its path. You instead need just to be willing to die to the world and the worldly church around you. Choose to "praise the Word" of God by living it out! Be different from the masses around you. Seek righteousness and you will find that you need not fear because you say, "I trust in God" ~Dad
PS... K, don't think it is easy for me because I have this strong heritage... take a look at my mom's side. We no nothing about my grandpa, my step-grandpa and grandma never married, they just lived together. My mom was fed beer in her bottle as a child because she didn't have milk (that makes no sense to me). They lived in the projects of Philly on welfare. Her uncle was a drunken huckster who gave up his children to others. My great-grandmother gave up her children to family members because she couldn't afford them... Look instead to what happens when my mother was saved and then grew up in a conservative holiness church where Anita taught her. Her past left her and she walks a new road. Live out your spiritual heritage. Grace and her husband started your church. She wants you to continue the heritage and so do I. It might look tough but in the end it is the easiest and most rewarding. You won't have any regrets.

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