Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 27, 2015

Psalm 34:11... Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord...
This verse is not just for children, it is for the parents as well. It is important for parents to realize their responsibilities of raising their children for the Lord. Manners are important, good posture needed, but what is crucial above all is need to give them a spiritual foundation that will solidify a relationship with Christ and a continual walk with him.
I enjoy giving you spiritual encouragement each day. Its good for you; good for me. I have the responsibility to encourage you with scripture and must work to spur you on to love and have good deeds. (He 10:24) I am sad that I failed your brothers by not doing so for them. They are different people because I did not take the time to do so. But I must continue to ray and give insights to them now.
Girls, you are my children, be willing listen to me. I aim to teach you the fear of the Lord. I am not the world's best dad. I wish I was better than I am. I wish I was smarter and wiser. I wish I was a better, stronger Christian. I wish I knew how to do all things just right, but I don't. But God still want to use me to help guide you two to love him. I strive to allow him to give me insight as I write these each day. Many times they go a different direction by the time I finish than when I started. That is good.
Ladies, trust God that the words I give are from him. Listen to them and live by them. Especially when it seems contrary to what you might want to do. Pray to the Lord and follow what he says. Ask me why I said what I said. Question and know the truths of God. Read for yourself, listen to the Spirit. You both are growing up in the Lord and must have a close relationship with him. Always know that Mom and I love you and want God's best for you. Serving the Lord brings satisfaction in life. Live for him with out regret. ~Dad

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