Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 15, 2015

Psalm 52:8... But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love for ever and ever...
David had just been ratted out. Doeg, and Edomite (a descendant of Esau), told Saul where David was hiding. This, of course, didn't make him happy but did make him fearful. Yet, David knew that God would oppose the proud and thwart the efforts of the wicked no matter how strong they think they are. He also knew that God was trustworthy and that he would protect him. So, he says in this verse, that he was like a tree in God's house, one that flourishes.
We need to trust God when others are against us. When life seems unbearable we can have the confidence that we will not only make it, but that we will thrive!. We can trust his unbending love to carry us through, we must not see the strong around us and fear that we will be overrun never to rise again.
Miss A and K, keep trusting in God because he will not fail you. You might not always do right, but you can trust that he will be there for those that seek him out. When others come against you, trust him to pull you through. But even more than pull you through, he can do more than you ask or think (Eph 3:20), and it will be abundantly. Seek him ladies and bring him honor and allow you to keep you strong. ~Dad

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