Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 15, 2015

Psalm 22:1... My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?...
You may recognize the first part of this verse. It is the words of Jesus on the cross. The whole chapter is about how David suffered at the hands of others when he didn't deserve it, yet God would not stop it. We can see the same pattern with Jesus. He suffered and died for you and I, yet he did not deserve to suffer to the point of death. Where was God? He saw but did not do anything about it.
If you haven't already felt this way in your life, there is a good chance you will in the future. Please note I am not talking about suffering for doing wrong, you deserve that. Here we are talking about doing right and still suffering. It doesn't seem right and what kind of God would allow it to happen?. Look at the example of Jesus for that answer. God had to let him suffer for a greater purpose. In the NT it says that we should be honored to suffer as Jesus did; it is a privileged to do so. Paul, Peter, and James all speak of this honor.
K and A, I don't like to suffer. many times, like David, we do not know why things do not go right. When things go wrong in your life, first look inward and check to see if you are sinning against God. I believe you will know, his Spirit will confirm it with yours, then if you are clean. count it a privilege that you are considered worthy to suffer like your Savior for the growth of his kingdom!
This is a strange concept for most and not preached much any more but when we begin to believe this truth it is freeing and you will have just through the whatever trail comes your way. ~Dad

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