Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 18, 2015

Psalm 25:7... Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love, remember me, for you are good, O Lord...
God is slow to anger and abounding in love, this is said many times in the OT. It is proved in the NT through Christ"s sacrifice on the cross. It is his desire that you not sin. If you do sin, it is his desire that yo make it right and have your sins forgiven and for you to be made right with him. Sinning is a choice, especially after you have accepted Christ. Just as Eve chose to sin we can chose that path as well. But that is not God's will for you.
You are in "my youth" years. Now is the time to chose to not sin against God. That was a difficult choice for David, since he did not have the Spirit of God. It was given to certain people and at certain times, As Christian we are given the Spirit at conversion and we can keep from sinning and be separated from God. It is wise to choice now in your "my youth" years.
K and A, choose to follow God in your youth. Seek his ways and keep from being polluted by the world (James 1:27). Truly this is the best way to live. I have found it so. Back in the construction world again, I see the pitfalls of sin. They pretend happiness in their trash talk, but inside they are empty and seeking wholeness. Daughters, you been shown the better way, the way of holiness. Live it with joy and share that joy with others. ~Dad

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