Saturday, October 31, 2015

Psalm 67:1

October 31, 2015, this verse was skipped by mistake

Psalm 67:1... May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us... Selah

God has been gracious. He gives life and breath, hope and joy. Man cannot even think a good thought without aid from heaven (cannot find the reference). He gives strength to the mind and hope to the heart. Selah - "think about it"

No matter who we are we need to thank God for his goodness. Even the wicked are blessed by God. But, Scripture is clear that those that follow God are raised up and the wicked are brought low ( Ps 75:10, Pr 14:32). God blesses his people and is generous to them. We praise him and exalt him above all else.

In this chapter we see a reason we we are blessed so. It is a way that God reveals himself to others; vs 2... "that your ways maybe known on earth," and verse 7... "that all the world will fear him." We are blessed so others may become part of us. God takes care of his people and the wicked see it and see the benefits of serving God.

A and K, your life is on display before the world. They are seeing who God is by observing your life. Live in such a way that others will desire Christ in their life. Your happiness and your outlook on life is used by God as a witness to the joys of being a Christian. How well are you doing? I pray that God blesses you and is gracious to you. I pray his face shines upon you and that you reflect the glow so others can see his greatness and come to him. Smile God loves you... think about it.


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