Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 17, 2015

Psalm 54:4... Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me...
In Psalm 121:2 it says, "my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth." 45:1 says that "he is a ever present help in times of trouble." the scriptures are filled with the help the Lord gives his people. But he thwarts the ways of the wicked (Prov 10:3 for one example) and they falter in times of trouble because their strength is week (Pr 24:10)
It is important that we stand in the Spirit's strength. In America, our culture, and a sinful one at that, says that we are to be tough and handle our situation, "when the times get tough the tough get going" is the phrase. Although there is some validity here (and with sin there always is) we must not forget from where our strength must lie. That place is in the hands of the Father. He will not just protect but he will strengthen and sustain you.
Daughters, both of you are having problems that bother your life. They are different from each other, but I can still give you the same advise. Verse 28 of Luke 21 says it well, When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." I encourage you both, especially you, K, with your tough nursing schedule and your urgency to do well or failure seems imminent (not eminent). So K and A, when times get tough you may need to buckle down and work harder, but don't forget to lift your head and ask God for the strength and ability to make it through. For surely, God is your help! ~Dad

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