Sunday, October 25, 2015

Psalm 62:8

October 25, 2015

Psalm 62:8... Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge...

This is a continuation of the theme from yesterday's verse. David had asked God to hear his prayer, and here he asks us to pour out our hearts to him. It is not just for the king or our leaders to call out to God. God is a personal God and is accessible to all. He lives within each Christian (Rev 3:20, John 16:7)

Many people, when they are in need, run to their pastor or spiritual leader and seek comfort and help. They go to them, because they are more spiritual and are able to touch God. This is not to be the case. each one, as Christians, are given the holy spirit by God to live in us and to guide us through to eternal life. He comforts and guides us, and we can take refuge in him (Jn 16:7). He is in us to give us the insight to live by guiding us to the truth (Jn 14:16 & 17).

K and A, where do you take refuge? Do you find it in those you love? Is it in your parents, your fiance`, maybe a song or music group. Some find it in drugs or alcohol or even a good meal or some comfort food. We are not to find refuge in any of these things. Sure, God put people here for us. Husband, parents, close friends, mentors all can be used by God to help us through tough circumstances that come in life, but we are to rely on God. This is why it is so great to be a Christian. People fail us, sometimes they just don't understand, but the Spirit was given to us to live in us to comfort and guide us. Ladies, determined to be filled with the Spirit, so you may sense his presence, and live confidently under his control. There is peace when you surrender all to the Lord. Its the place  you want to be.


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