Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 16, 2015

Psalm 53:2... God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God...
"There is no one righteous, no not one," (Ro 3:10).This psalm talks about how there is no one who does good; every thought is vile. Sinful man has fled the God's presence. He cannot stand before a holy God. Moses could not look upon God (Ex 33:20). The people of Israel couldn't even come close to the mountain and touch it (Ex 19:12). This can be first seen when sin entered the world when Adam and Eve hid from God when they heard him coming (Ge 3:8).
We must realize that our sin separates us from God. It is said that God cannot look upon sin (Hab. 1:13). He turn from Jesus on the cross (Mt 27:46) [that is not an absolute, but Jesus' statement of God forsaking him]. Yet that doesn't mean he isn't looking for us to come back to him and has rejected us forever. We are the ones that choose to leave. We can choose to return. But do not think that this is forever. We do not know how long God will reach out to us.(2 Cor 6:2), (Ge 6:3, 1 Pt 3:20) We cannot presume on God's kindnesses. Instead we must seek God. That is what this verse is talking about.God is looking for anyone who is seeking him.; those who want to understand him and his ways.
K and A, God is looking for faithful men and women who will follow him in holy living. He says that those who seek him shall find him.(Jer 29:13). But there is a catch... with God there is a catch, you say? Yes, daughters, the reason I have stressed holiness with you and the need for you to curb human nature and keep from living like most Christians, is that Christ says in many places that we must be different. We must search like it is a hidden treasure. We must hunger and thirst after righteousness. And, we must seek him with all our heart, mind, body and soul (Mt 22:37). That is when we will find him fully. Young ladies, choose not to be like everyone else. Many seek to decorate themselves to be beautiful. I ask you to work on the inside and, like the women of old (1 Pet 3:5), you will find holiness and peace with both God and man. God looks down from heaven to find someone... I pray that he finds you. ~Dad

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