Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 07, 2015

Psalm 13:6... I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me...
Singing is such powerful way to rejoice about what God has done. Verse 5 talks about that and the greatest is his willingness to bring about salvation. It happens in various way but the real joy is salvation of the soul.
You to have the ability to sing. Maybe A sings better, but I really never heard you sing K. No matter how well you sing, song with joy and thanksgiving to the Lord for what he has done for you. It has been said that praying in general ways produces general answers to prayer. Well so it is with how we sing. If we sing with superfluous word and over weaning accompaniment, we will receive shallow blessings in from it after all the hype is over and you will return to the spiritual state you before.
Girls, Choose your music wisely for it is an Avenue to God. ~Dad

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