Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 03, 2015

Psalm 40:3... He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord...
What is the purpose of a song from your mouth. It allows others to see God and teaches them to fear him. When they see who he really is they will fear him, yet they will not flee away because they will see his love for those who trust and are obedient to him. Instead of fleeing they will put their trust in the Lord and run to him for security and peace.
Read the verse before this one. It speaks of that transformation that comes from putting your trust in him. We were in a pit, sinking without hope. God will pull us from the miry clay and set us our feet on a solid rock where we can stand strong. No wonder why we have a new song on our lips... we have a new one in our heart. Matthew 5:18 says what comes from the out comes from they heart.
K and A look at the One who counts, fear his wrath, and then put your trust in him to pull you from all that hinders you in life and find the joy that will put a new song in your mouth. This hymn will honor him and will bring others to him and give you strength to live by. I can't wait to hear you sing it! ~Dad
The song that was written from these two verses....

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