Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 03, 2015

Psalm 9:10... Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you...

This verse has two sides to it. First we see that knowing God is much more than knowing about him. To truly know God we must know who he is and what he is like... how he responds. God is not like man. Man lies and seeks to protect himself, but God's character is different. He does not waver. (Nu 23:19).

The second side of this verse is about who God never forsakes. It is not those who have gone to church, those who have made a profession of faith, or even those who seemingly do all the right things (even though that isn't the popular thing anyway today). He never forsakes those who continually seek him.

Miss K, A, who will you be. Are you satisfied to just know about Jesus, to sing a few praise songs and wave your hand and sway you body to the music but then your daily life doesn't show you different from the world. You must not conform to the world and it's ways (Ro 12:2). Instead continually seek God his ways. Then you will find that he never forsake you. O the peace and satisfaction that will bring, it far outweighs the pleasures of the world! It does. ~Dad

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