Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 04, 2015

Psalm 41:1... Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; The Lord delivers him in times of trouble.
God is concerned about the weak and downtrodden (Ps 12:5). He is concerned about the widow and the orphan (Ps 68:5). And he seeks to protect them. In James 1:27 it says this... "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." We must see God's heart. In verse 22 it cautions us to not just hear the word, rather we are to be obedient to what it says.
You may have heard it said in today's church to make the main thing the main thing. This is said to tell everyone we don't follow some obscure rules in the scripture we just want to love each other. Although that is true, it comes out of a 60's era mindset of thinking we just all need to get along. This has brought us to where we are today. The church accepts everyone in, but not just in the doors of the church but into the leadership. This has caused deep changes to theology.
What we must strive for is to follow the key thought of Scripture. That is: our religion (which is a good word despite all that is said in church today) our religion is worthy if we take care of those who cannot provide for themselves (not won't provide) and that we keep ourselves from acting like and then becoming like the world around us. Then we use the Scriptures to see how that is to be carried out, Paul says that the Old Testament shows us what sin is and then we know what to avoid and also it shows us how we should act, the things we should do.
A and K, you would be wise to heed the word of God. Learn from it how to treat others. Take from it the ways to live - the things to avoid and the things to do. And find out from it what the world is like and avoid any appearance of becoming like it. (1 Th 5:20 - 22). If you do these things you will have true religion and you will be delivered by the Lord in times of trouble. ~Dad

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