Saturday, October 24, 2015

September 05, 2015

Psalm 12:1... Help, Lord, for the Godly are no more; the faithful have vanished from among men...
Times are bleak. Wickedness abounds. We live among evil in our time. Babies are killed in the womb early in gestation and late term as well. They are also born except for their heads and the brain sucked out and then discarded. We have just learned the they now been keeping a late term baby alive and harvesting organs and other part and selling them for profit. Then they discard the rest.
Who are we going to be. There are other evils less scary. Lying and cheating, hatred and strife. Yet when they grow they lead to godlessness. K, are join willing to forsake all evil? A, will you join those who pretend holiness, but harbor sin in their hearts? Stand for what is right when everyone around you seeks worldiness. I heard a sermon on the way down, and it dropped off the radio just after I learned something on being carnal. It had to do with carne... like chili con carne... I want you ladies to desire to please God and like holy lives. I'll be praying for you. ~Dad

Added later... carnal has to do with meat, like meat, flesh. If we are carnal, we are working to satisfy what is natural to our bodies. Like an animal, we just do things without thinking about the consequences or considering what God said or what Jesus did while on earth. Don't live to satisfy fleshly or natural desires, seek to satisfy the desires of the Spirit who can help us to control our desires! ~Dad

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